Hector RTS

Strength & Conditioning Coach
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About Hector RTS

I started playing on the Sega Genesis at the age of 4 and was hooked. However, gaming was just more of a secretive activity that you didn't talk too much about with people. I went to college for Exercise Science as my other passion was something I wanted to make a career out of. I noticed the Esports genre about five years ago. It was something intriguing as I saw that now I can actually talk about how gaming made me a very competitive but social person, and am still friends with people since playing online back in 06. Fast forward to now, I run my own fitness business, but had always wanted to work with the gaming community as I always saw people on Twitter talking about physical and mental health hurting them from advancing in live and/or their gaming career. From then on, I made sure to talk to people within the community to see how I can help them.

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